Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptian Spiritual Readings, Healing and Guidance

Some of Ancient Egyptians daily activities are already written on the walls of the ancient temples and places in Egypt. Many of Ancient Egyptian knowledge is hidden or not written at all. We can see the results of their knowledge in every aspect in their life till today but we don't know their secret scientific methods.

Ancient Egyptian Readings and Healing Sessions

I open contact with Ancient Egyptian Readings and/or Healing Guide Souls. They attend your session, answer your questions and give you healing THEMSELVES. They guide me for my human energy healing on you. They choose the right method for you. They give me instructions to guide you, session by session. They talk through me in channeling sessions for your spiritual readings

Ancient Egyptian Readings

Past Lives Reading

Life Reading

Healing Methods Of Queen Hachepsout Inside Her Temple

Ancient Egyptian Healing Methods

Ancient Egyptians had spiritual, mental and physical healing methods. These methods include:

Healing With Energy

Healing With The Light

Healing Through Old Healing Guides Spirits

Healing With Elements Of Nature

Healing With Music And Chanting

Healing With Elixirs

Healing With Food

Ancient Egyptian Healing With Food

Distance Ancient Egyptian Healing Sessions and Online Readings

My Ancient Egyptians Healing Guide Souls will send you a huge healing energy during your healing session with me online. You will feel their attendance and healing work on you. In Ancient Egyptian Spiritual Readings, they will answer your questions about your past lives, present life and souls from other realms.

Ancient Egyptian Healing Through Their Healers Spirits

Ancient Egyptian Reading or/and Healing Sessions Fees and Booking

Fees: 300$ per hour 

Contact for booking:
Through the comment box at the end of this page

Ancient Egyptian Healing Metaphysics

Metaphysics News in Egypt

Face Book Page

Love, Light, Peace and Blessing

Ancient Egyptian Souls and Dr. Wafaa Yedisu